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The Biobest Academy provides online learning in biological control, pollination and many other elements of crop protection and growing. Select the button directly below to learn more.


This course provides comprehensive information on Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) for advisors and growers, covering its symptoms, transmission, and prevention measures. It will equip learners with the knowledge needed to manage and mitigate the impact of this virus. There is a 5-question exam at the end of the module You need to score 70% or higher to achieve the course completion certificate Read more

Sawflies are some of the lesser-known insects we come across in Integrated Pest Management; however, being able to identify them and tell them apart from similar looking insects is a useful skill. In this short course, you will learn how to identify the damage they cause and the morphological differences between sawfly larvae and caterpillars. There is a 10-question exam at the end of the course; you must get 70% of the questions correct to pass. Read more

Σε αυτό το μάθημα θα γνωρίσετε διάφορες τεχνικές καλλιέργειας ντομάτας από όλο τον κόσμο. Επιπλέον, θα είστε σε θέση να εντοπίζετε και να αναγνωρίζετε μια σειρά από εχθρούς και ασθένειες στον αγρό.  Read more

En este curso aprenderá sobre las especies más importantes de cochinillas que se encuentran en cultivos hortícolas, así como sobre Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, un escarabajo depredador, y Anagyrus pseudococci, una avispa parasitoide. Read more

Bu kurs tozlaşma kavramlarını tanıtır, bombus arıları ve bal arıları arasındaki farkları öğretir ve çeşitli ana mahsullerde bombus arısı kovanlarının nasıl kurulacağı ve kullanılacağı konusunda size bilgi verir. Read more

Bu modül, çeşitli farklı yetiştirme sistemleri, önemli zararlılar ve hastalıklar ile tozlaşma gibi konuları ayrıntılı olarak kapsayan domates üretimine kapsamlı bir bakış sunar. Read more

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