In this course you will learn about the 2 most common spider mite species we encounter in horticultural crops and their natural enemies. Read more
During this course you will be introduced to the biology of whitefly. We will then consider whiteflies as crop pests, focusing on key IPM principles such as monitoring and identification. Biological control options are described and their implementation explored. Read more
In deze cursus maak je kennis met diverse teeltechnieken voor tomaten over de hele wereld. Ook ben je in staat om een scala plagen en ziekten in het veld te monitoren en te identificeren. Read more
De chillitrips, Scirtotrips dorsalis, is een zeer schadelijke tripssoort die zich vanuit Azië over de hele wereld verspreidt. In deze korte cursus leer je de biologie van deze belangrijke plaag en de schadesymptomen die we zien bij belangrijke tuinbouwgewassen. Evaluatie: Aan het einde is er een examen met 10 vragen; Om te slagen moet je een score van 70% behalen; Je hebt twee pogingen. Read more
Save money by purchasing 10 of our advanced level pest courses together (over 10 hours of e-learning) for only €230. We also include an introduction to IPM course to refresh your key skills. Give yourself the best chance of success with these deep-dives into the biology and behaviour of the most commonly encountered pests and their natural enemies. Aphids and their natural enemies Fungus gnats & shore flies and their natural enemies Leafhoppers Leafminers and their natural enemies Mealybugs and their natural enemies Spider mites and their natural enemies Tarsonemid mites Thrips and their natural enemies Whiteflies and their natural enemies Introduction to IPM Read more
Save money by purchasing our advanced level courses on aphids, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies together - over 6 hours of e-learning courses for only €140. Give yourself the best chance of success with these deep-dives into the biology and behaviour of the 4 most commonly encountered pests and their natural enemies. Don't delay, buy access to these courses today! Read more
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